Kristen, a 4 year old from Fremantle, Western Australia has beautifully and simply expressed a sentiment we should all take a minute to consider.
“Don’t Kill Sharks Because Children Want to See Them”
I connected with Kristen and her classmates via Skype in June of this year. We spoke about sharks, shark conservation and the cull happening in their backyard. The kids were excited to make posters and do their part to help sharks. One student had even been to an anti-cull protest on the beach. Despite being young, they are aware of what is happening and they want to save sharks. Mrs. Lewer sent me posters the kids made and it literally brought tears to my eyes. I have said this so many times, but the world of shark conservation can be frustrating and soul crushing on the best days. Posters like these remind me why I do this work and inspire me to keep fighting.
We are all global citizens and our actions have an impact far beyond our own house, yard, state or country. We are in this together and it is our responsibility to make sure kids like Kristen get to see an ocean filled with sharks and other marine life.